Sunday, October 19, 2014

Perfect Fall Day

I have spent my whole life in New England and I love it here. I like every season equally but Fall is my favorite season hands down. It may be my strange obsession of apples and pumpkins but I still love Fall the most. 

Today was the perfect Fall day for me. I got to stay inside and be warm and cozy but I also got to go outside and brave the crisp air. 

My checklist for a perfect Fall day: 

Apple crisp



Fuzzy socks

Homemade hot apple cider

Checking new posts on my favorite blogs

Spending time on the humor section of Pinterest

Picking the perfect pumpkin

Finding the perfect quotes

Watching vlogs on YouTube 

And, of course, painting my nails

I hope you enjoyed this blog post that is a little different than normal. 

"If you are happy everyday, you aren't human, you're a game show host." -Heathers

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